Healthy Lifestyle

Top Tips for Keeping Healthy if You do Eat Red Meat.

Not everybody can give up on red meat so readily. If you are the kind of person that finds it hard to cut out red meat entirely, here are a few tips to help you reduce the health risks that come with it.
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Sometimes people can find it challenging to eliminate red meats from their diet altogether. It would be unfair to lecture everybody and say that red meat is the devil. Ultimately, we make our own decisions, and often those decisions are based on our knowledge. This article looks to broaden that knowledge by helping you be more aware of how you can mitigate the level of risk done to your body through excessive meat consumption. The article will offer four fundamental tips;

  • Cut down portion sizes or vary your proteins
  • Exercise
  • Get a friend to help you
  • Choose leaner cuts of meat and avoid processed meats

However, before we jump into these tips, it is essential to know why exactly we may want to cut our red meat intake down a little!

What are the critical health risks associated with red meat?

Many studies have been conducted by reputable scientific facilities that have suggested a link between high red meat intake and various diseases or profound medical conditions. Some of the more serious include bowel cancer, heart disease, diabetes and pneumonia.

The more red meat and blood we eat, the more bloodthirsty we get, the more violent we get. The more vegetarian food we eat, the more peace is taken into us.
Ziggy Marley

While each of these illnesses can result from more extreme cases, it is essential to note that there are also smaller risks that can build up. For example, eating red meat in excess may clog your arteries, leading to a potential heart condition over time.

Also Read: This is Why You Should Go for Meatless Meals

Cut down portion sizes or vary your proteins

Many would suggest that cutting down your portion size is the best way to reduce your intake of red meat and stay healthier. Switching up your source of protein will reduce reliance on one specific food. In this case, you can substitute red meat like beef or steak for fish, chicken, or beans.

The USDA has suggested no more than one serving of red meat per week maintains strong health, with that serving being 3oz.

Why? It is because red meat is often high in saturated fats, hence the risks associated with overeating. One top tip is to cut down on how much red meat is on your plate, replacing it with vegetables. A second tip is to use a paper cloth or towel to rest your red meat after cooking. Even if it is only for a minute, it will soak up any excess oil or fat. Taking simple steps like this is a tangible way of staying healthy, even if you still enjoy red meat.


Nothing will make you feel healthier than old-fashioned exercise, but how does it relate to red meat? It relates a lot to the first point because when you are exercising, you are eating healthy. Therefore, you are more likely to be mindful of the food you eat, your portions and your protein intake. Those who exercise are more likely to monitor their diet. Their blood circulation will also be stronger because, through exercise and movement, we help pump oxygen through our blood, allowing our bodies to become stronger.

Get a friend to help you

Without accountability and willpower, any task will be much more demanding. Getting a like-minded family member or friend to help keep you motivated and on track can be the difference between lowering or removing your red meat intake.

Top Tip: Try cooking one night on and one night off with your friend. Set up little cooking challenges and incorporate newer protein sources into your dinners to make eating new foods more exciting. Also, joining support groups has become a popular way of staying accountable.

With so many vegan, vegetarian and no red meat private groups that are ready to join on social media, you can find yourself staying accountable, and even meeting new and like-minded people in the process! 

Choose leaner cuts of meat and avoid processed meats

You may be wondering what “lean meat” is; well, lean meat has less than 8.5g of fat per 3oz serving. “Super lean meat” has less than 4g of fat. This is important because the fats from meat can have a terrible effect on our bodies. In a similar vein, processed meat is so bad for us because it is higher in fats, salts, cholesterol and preservatives. Even being mindful of such tips can significantly decrease your chances of damaging your body.

One study done by Harvard suggested that eating processed red meat can increase heart disease and type 2 diabetes risk. In this same study, eating unprocessed red meat did not increase the risk for heart disease. So a top tip in the future would be to look for leaner cuts if you are going to eat red meat in future.


Jason Coster is a 25-year-old English and History teacher from Ireland. He has been content writing for over three years and is passionate about educating others through his work.


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