Healthy Lifestyle

How To Keep Your Diet Healthy After You Say No To Red Meat?

Sometimes in life, we need strength to push ourselves away from beliefs that were implemented into us since childhood. We should be more critical thinking about things when we have the internet as a great source of information.
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Getting rid of red meat will improve your health in many ways. However, inform yourself on how to keep your diet healthy when you switch to a meatless lifestyle. Here, we reveal all benefits of stopping eating red meat or meat in general.

Sometimes in life, we need strength to push ourselves away from beliefs implemented into us since childhood. We should be more critical thinking about things when we have the internet as a great source of information. One of those beliefs was that we can’t survive without eating meat. Not only that we can survive without it, but it is also much healthier to switch to a plant-based diet in general, as findings at Harvard Medical School explain. Saying NO to red meat has a tremendously positive impact on your whole body.

Where to start?

Start by informing yourself. A meatless diet is possible, but you need to make your diet rich in nutrients that are crucial for your body. If you have a balanced plant-based diet, your immunity will be strong, and fighting against seasonal flu or diseases will be much easier.

How long does it take for the body to detox from meat? 

To detox completely from red meat takes up to 3 weeks. Not only to detox from it but to stop craving meat, as it will be at the very beginning. That is more-less or the case with all food, especially sweets.

Getting rid of red meat will improve your health in many ways. However, inform yourself on how to keep your diet healthy when you switch to a meatless lifestyle. Here, we reveal all benefits of stopping eating red meat or meat in general.

From eating meat arrogance is born, from arrogance erroneous imaginations issue, and from imagination is born greed; and for this reason refrain from eating meat.
Gautama Buddha

Sometimes in life, we need strength to push ourselves away from beliefs that were implemented into us since childhood. We should be more critical thinking about things when we have the internet as a great source of information. One of those beliefs was that we cannot survive without eating meat. However, not only that we can survive without it, but it is also much healthier to switch to a plant-based diet in general, as findings at Harvard Medical School explain. Saying NO to red meat has a tremendously positive impact on your whole body.

Where to start?

Start by informing yourself. A meatless diet is possible, but you need to make sure your diet is rich in nutrients that are crucial for your body. If you have a balanced plant-based diet, your immunity will be strong, and fighting against seasonal flu or diseases will be much easier.

How long does it take for the body to detox from meat?

To detox completely from red meat it takes up to 3 weeks. Not only to detox from it but to stop craving meat, as it will be at the very beginning. That is more-less or the case with all food, especially sweets.

Also Read: Can Eating Too Much Red Meat Increase Your Likelihood of Getting Cancer?

What happens to your body when you say NO to red meat?

You might feel hungry in the beginning, because of the psychological impact, knowing that you cut off a major thing from your diet, such as meat. You are raised in the belief system that meat is one of the most important foods in our diet. So that is completely normal, so you will probably be craving some snacks to fulfill that gap.

But, on the other side, the benefits you will get after cutting the meat off your diet are endless. Both – psychological and physical.

  • Red meat and processed meat have saturated fat that can lead to inflammation. It also increases cholesterol levels that lead to clogged arteries and other serious conditions as heart failure or cancer. When you start eating healthy food, you will cleanse your stomach, arteries, blood, and the whole organism.
  • A plant-based diet helps stimulate the good bacteria in your gut. Vegan foods have fibers that will help you with digestion, as they act as natural probiotics. Because of that, you will go to the toilet, meaning you will get rid of toxins fast and be less bloated. Remember to drink a lot of water, whenever you remember to detox your whole system.
  • Switching to a plant-based diet lowers the risk of getting diabetes. Eating red meat links to a higher chance of getting type 2 diabetes, as any other food that is high in saturated fat.
  • Saturated fats are responsible for the cholesterol increase in your blood, which is known as “bad” cholesterol. You should have no more than 10% of saturated fat intake in your calories daily. Research conducted at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, indicate that consuming red and white meat result in higher blood cholesterol levels equally.

However, start using “good” cholesterol and foods rich in omega-3. So by cutting meat off your diet, you minimize the risk of getting high cholesterol levels and heart failure.

Psychological Impact and Adaptation

Habits are the fuel that drives us through the day. If your diet had a lot of meat, and suddenly you stop eating it, you will probably feel a bit different. Maybe you will feel that you’re always hungry, even though you use sufficient amounts of calories, protein, and carbs. Psychologically you will feel that something is missing. However, keep in mind that you can live without meat and that you will get used to it. It will be hard planning your meal preparation and deciding what to eat, but again – you will get used to it. In fact, you will realize that plant-based food is much easier to handle. Of course, inform yourself first about nutrition and what to eat to have a healthy and balanced diet.

So what should you eat?


Because meat was probably the only protein in your diet, you will have to replace it. Plant-based protein sources include chickpeas, beans, tofu, edamame, chia and hemp seeds, quinoa, etc.


The famous myth is that meat has more iron than plant-based food. Iron is responsible for correct body functioning, so you should be aware to add it to your diet. Believe it or not, there are plenty of iron sources in plant-based food, so you will not lack any of it. For better absorption of iron, take it in combination with Vitamin C. Foods that contain iron are spinach, kale, oats, chickpeas, tomatoes, dark chocolate, beans, beetroot, etc.


Your body needs sources of calcium to keep your joints and bones healthy. Calcium also plays an important role in healthy hair and nails. You can find calcium in nuts and seeds, legumes, grains, fortified milk, and seasonal fruits.


Another important mineral that is significant for your body is sourced mostly from meat. But in a plant-based diet, zinc is present, too. Soy products, beans, nuts, and seeds have sufficient zinc.

Vitamin B12

The last Vitamin is very controversial when it comes to a plant-based diet, as people believe it exists only in meat. B12 is crucial for red blood cell production. You can find it in fortified cereals, plant-based milk, and nutritional yeast.

Meat substitutes

If you are a real meat eater and can’t imagine your life without meat, here are some meat substitutes that will make you feel full and satisfy your protein need. Meat or protein substitutes are pea protein, tempeh, jackfruit, chickpeas, tofu, and seitan.

You can make quite realistic homemade vegan burgers with any of these foods. In case you like the chewy meat consistency, you should try seitan. Not only does that remind you of meat, but it has more protein than meat in one portion.


Nature has all we need. Our duty is to educate ourselves and be less selfish to animals and the environment. Besides cutting off meat from your diet and helping animals, you help the environment, too. Every beginning is hard, but it will become your habit once you feel the benefits of switching to a plant-based diet. After a while, you will feel better physically and mentally, where going back to meat will not be an option. When you realize all the advantages, spread awareness among your friends and family to make your community healthier!


A professional writer with a Bachelor's degree in Hotel and Event Management. Runs an eco-friendly blog, which is about everything connected to nature, ecology, sustainability, people, animals, and the environment.

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